Tuesday, January 19, 2010

My World Tuesday - Desert Birds

Greetings from the Sonoran Desert! These are some pictures from my walk in the desert yesterday morning.

Cactus wren on barbed wire

Cactus wren on fishhook or barrel cactus

Cactus wren building a nest in chainfruit cholla cactus

Yes, we're having cloudy weather this week with the possibility of some much needed rain! This image of a saguaro cactus is naturally monochromatic. A couple of woodpeckers are perched near the top.

Zooming in on one of the Gila woodpeckers makes it easier to see.

Western bluebird in a mesquite tree

Bluebird feeding on desert mistletoe in mesquite tree

Gambel's quail like mistletoe too. A female enjoys the berries

while a male is on the ground looking full.

Hiding behind the prickly pear cactus, this little rascal is not a bird, but fun to watch anyway.
Harris' Antelope ground squirrel

To see what the world looks like in other areas, click on the icon below:


  1. Wonderful series of pics. Really fascinating stuff.

  2. Enjoyed seeing your little friends. Cactus Wrens seem to find my toes possibly appetizing; they sometimes come right up and peck them while I sit on a bench.

  3. Amazing critters.
    Beautiful shots Diane.

  4. Great pictures, Diane. I hope you get the rain you need. The folks in CA are certainly getting it!!!!

    Love your great bird pictures --since your birds out there are so different from ours.

    That Western Bluebird is gorgeous!!!

  5. Beautiful bird photos Diane! And your squirrel is fantastic looking..co cute!

  6. good stuff! I love the cactus wrens, cool little birds. Nice photos!

  7. Wow!!
    Diane very lovely critters
    you have a great camera
    so perfect and clear shots :-)


  8. The Cactus Wren sure likes things with spikes. ;-) Great shots on your walk.

    Very gray here today and am hoping for the much needed and predicted rain, and maybe even snow which I could do without.

  9. The cactus wren does appear to know how to deal with spikey things. Great bird shots.
    It has been raining here, off and on, for the last several days. Hopefully it will make it to Tucson.

  10. Diane
    Beautiful world with birds... love the squirrel too. Lovely pics.

  11. Beautiful critters and I assume Sonoran desert is a beautiful place with those different kinds of cacti.

    I like the second photo. How wonderful the bird posed for you Diane. Perfect!

    The squirrel is cute. I wonder how it feels like holding it in my hands.

  12. Yes, it is fun to watch, or to follow them occassionally.

  13. Great captures of the desert birds Diane! and of course I love the squirrel at the end. :D
    I've been looking at the forecast out there..not so sunny.

  14. Wonderful shots, Diane! I love the birds and the cactus. The cactus wren is cute!

  15. Nice, nice, nice! I have always like to see the birds from your site. They always look cute and plump he, he...

  16. Steph is right, those birds look plump and cute and i thought they'd be thin because of the desert. love your pics. My world entry is up too.

  17. The birds are beautiful but the picture of the cactus against the grey sky is just breath-taking. Well done!

  18. My first thought was how careful those wrens must be to not get stabbed by those sharp spikes!

    Then, I thought, what a good photographer you are to have captured all these.

  19. What a nice serie! And probably a lot of patience was required to capture these pictures!

  20. Really wonderful bird photos. That's the first I've seen a Gambel's quail in a tree, believe it or not. I always see them on the ground. That is definitely one puffed-up male quail!

  21. Oh I love these photos and the bluebird is just precious. How exciting to see these beautiful little critters on your walks.

  22. The quail with the feather on top of his head is so cute Diane and of course I love the squirrel. They are such fun to watch.

  23. Great photos and inspiring. I moved to Phoenix (from Chicago) recently and am starting to get into bird watching. I'll be taking a class in a couple of weeks down at South Mountain. Can't wait. I really love the cactus wrens and the gila woodpeckers.

  24. Your wonderful post reminds me to look for different birds around my area.

    Fantastic pictures!

  25. beautiful photos! You captured all so wonderfully!

  26. It's wonderful that you were able to capture shots of birds of different colors.

  27. Great shots, I really like your cactus wren pictures!

  28. I wanna keep those animals as pets! lol

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