Thursday, January 21, 2010

Skywatch - Monday's Clouds

Subtle Sunrise 7:30AM
Desert Drama 8:45AM
Foothills 5:55PM
Midtown Mystery 6:00PM
The last picture was taken by my son near the university. He called to ask if I could see the weird cloud. I couldn't see it so he sent me the photo. Thanks Brian!

Check out other skies from around the world at Skywatch Friday hosted by Klaus, Sandy, Wren, Fishing Guy, Louise and Sylvia.


  1. Gorgeous and breathtaking captures, Diane! Wow! That last one is definitely "other worldly"! Terrific post for the day! Have a great weekend!


  2. Oh, and thank Brian for catching that one! So glad you could share it with us!!

  3. Soft sunrise and an amazing sunset colors.
    Awesome capture by your son.
    Beautiful skies here.

    Enjoy the weekend.

  4. Stunning images, Diane! They are glorious, and the one from Brian is absolutely incredible..

  5. So many different skies
    So beautiful :-)
    Great camera you have !!!!

    (Is your daughter Victoria is it for your first grand ch...
    Fantastic news !! ;)


    Kareltje =^.^=
    Anya :-)

  6. Brian has got talent Diane, it is a wonderful set of shots.

  7. Quite the changes in the sky for one day. That last one is almost eerie. Glad your son was able to capture it. Beautiful series!

  8. Beautiful sunrise and sunset shots of the desert.

  9. Diane, hats off to you! the last one looks like a soft flying object, i wonder what is the shape of such cloud is called?and i wish to stand beneath it and see upwards its very beautiful and mesmerizing. love Naqvee

  10. That last shot is breathtaking... gorgeous! Wonderful collection this week.

  11. Wow, the cloud pic your son sent you is like someone was drawing with a crayon in the sky!

  12. what Great captures.
    I like the last one..very interesting cloud formation.

  13. Extraordinary sequence,
    lovely images,
    thank you! :-)

  14. Beautiful sky shots, the clouds let just enough light through to light up the sky with a blaze of color.
    That is a strange cloud Brian caught. It looks like a lenticular that someone hollowed out with an icecream scoop.

  15. What a beautiful series of desert skies! And, the weird cloud is quite unique and a little mysterious.

  16. All are amazing but that last one is incredible.

    All the best
    GuyRegina In Pictures

  17. Stunning images this here, a pleasure to see them.Amazing!!

  18. Oh, my, goodness! That last shot is incredible. ~karen

  19. I see the silhouette of a man is pumping smoke in the last picture.

  20. These are all awesome but that last one is stunning. Well done!

  21. what amazing cloud photos!!! That last one is something else, almost looks like a UFO! amazing picture!!! Happy skyWatch =)

  22. Absolutely gorgeous! Especially that last shot.

  23. Beautiful sky pictures, Diane. Glad your son sent his picture. That cloud is amazing... Wow!!!!

    Thanks for sharing--especially on a night when we are having thunderstorms here.

  24. Wow, that cloud in the last picture is so unique!

  25. this is great Diane. Nice colours

  26. Beautiful pictures again :-D What your son saw was like somewhere in another planet for me. Yeah it is unusual to see clouds like that. Looks like your whole family is into sky watching already. Enjoy the weekend sky!

  27. I miss riding my bike from home to elementary school and back while my family lived in New Mexico. I saw all kinds of cacti flowering and those kind of sunsets you posted. Just lovely.
    Joyce, IL, USA

  28. WOW!! That is an unusual one Diane. I am glad your son sent it to you and you shared it. Thanks.

  29. Wow the pictures are amazing but that last one has to be my favourite. Such a weird shaped cloud and the colour of the sky is just awesome.

  30. Amazing photos Diane, clouds can change so quickly. I'm glad Brian caught that last one, that is a weird cloud.

  31. The cloud in the last photo is really weird, actually from a comic book, or from happy cartoons :) Thanks to your son! Of course, thanks to you too!! :)

    The Day

  32. Incredible photos of the sky, and yes the last one is exquisite!

  33. Your son took a really cool pic. Never seen such a cloud!

    Nice pics all of them

  34. Wonderful series. That cloud in the last shot is really strange!

  35. That's one freaky cloud!! You should send that to the weather channel and ask them what it is, why it is....?

  36. Diane these are all beautiful, from the pastel sunrise to firey sunset. But that pic you son took is so wild. I think they're lenticular clouds which usually hang out over mountains.

  37. great shots! Those are weird clouds in the last one. I have seen a photo of clouds like that before, but never in person.

  38. Beautiful! My favorite is the last one, yes, mysterious and looks like a halo!

  39. What beautiful varied skies! That last one taken by you son is like nothing I've ever seen before!
    Hugs and blessings,

  40. The last shot can play with your imagination, it's like some lips on the sky..hehe not a good perfect looking one though. =)


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