Friday, January 22, 2010

Winter Storms

A series of storms is passing through Tucson this week. On my walk Wednesday morning I could see snow in the mountains and Sabino Creek flowing nicely. Here's the dam on Wednesday:
But by Thursday it was a deluge:
Stranded hikers:
Flooded bridge:
This is what that bridge typically looks like:
Trams were still running yesterday but service area was limited.
A tornado watch was issued for this area for the first time ever last night. It rained through night, much more rain is expected, and maybe some hail. The storms will likely be gone from here by Sunday. What is the weather like in your neck of the woods?


  1. Very nice to see the normal day pictures and after the storm pictures. We are still having rain and storm here in CA too.

  2. I'm on the SW side outside of Tucson. The wind really shook my trailer's walls and frightened my cats.

  3. What a different the weather can do! We have gray sky here in Michigan. Beautiful photos, Diane..

  4. That *is* impressive. I bet the sound of the water must have been great to listen to at the dam even if it is probably scary weather.

  5. Hi Diane. You always make me laugh with the seemingly incongruous flooded-desert. Take cover from those tornadoes, though. They can be so devastating.

  6. Interesting photos! I went out yesterday when it was POURING flood control channel had water, but I didn't see much runoff. It is snowing in our mountains today and I drove up there! You'll probably be getting more rain tomorrow.

  7. Hi Diane, fanastic photos. Nice to see the bridge without water - poor hikers! I like yr photos - nature is wonderful and amazing...

    I can't complain about the weather in Aust. We had a few very hot days (not so good for the Australia Open Tennis), and yesterday the wind on my balcony toppled my plants... nothing major...

    Hope you are having a nice weekend, Ev

  8. Crazy Crazy weather, Diane. I have seen pictures from your area on TV today. Unbelievable.

    BUT--for a waterfall-lover like me, I'd be looking all around for lots of new waterfalls in Arizona....

    Take care my friend and stay SAFE.

  9. Oh wow!!! Holy Cow!!!!
    This is better than the weather channel!

  10. Wow Diane, that's a lot of water. Yet I can believe it. Thursday it just poured here all day with very heavy winds. Today, snow.

  11. Oh my, those poor hikers. I have been in a similar situation. We have had really weird weather. Freezing rain gave way to sixty degree temperatures for over a week. Today we had overcast skies and temps in the low forties. We should be having snow right now.

  12. I can't imagine myself being stranded. The past few days was a blue-gray-blue-gray kind of weather. It was raining hail noontime yesterday. If it rained overnight the whole week, I did not even notice.
    As of this writing, the sky is blue, a good photo op day!

    Stay dry!

  13. Amazing what rain does when it comes to desert areas. Wonderful photos!
    Hugs and blessings,

  14. we got heavy rains here too, and I actually enjoyed it.

  15. Wow, that's alot of rain though we've had storm after storm here as well. What gorgeous photos.

  16. It sure was not just gushing waters, poor trekkers and hikers =(


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