Wednesday, May 26, 2010

On the rocks

Rumor has it that colorful collared lizards can now be observed in Rattlesnake Canyon.  On Saturday we went to see what we could find.  The only problem is, when the weather gets hot and sunny enough to see reptiles, I  prefer to go out very early in the morning.  Chris pointed out that we weren’t likely to see heat-loving collared lizards so early in the day.  He was right, we didn’t find any collared lizards.  I was not disappointed though, because we did see:
a tiny trickling waterfall

some water still standing in Rattlesnake Creek

green and orange colors in the creek bed
Red Admiral butterfly

greenish yellow lichen

Trailing Four O’clock

Desert Grassland Whiptail lizard

Still waiting for our first grandbaby to make an appearance. :)


  1. I thought there was a grandchild when I saw a new post :)))))

    A lizard and a beautiful one
    I think Kareltje would love to play with him ;-)
    Unique shots really beautiful !!

  2. My class just learned about collared lizards! We are studying desert animals. I would love to see one, too! And, "Rattlesnake canyon"....(shudder...) I can only IMAGINE why it got its name!

  3. I do not get to see what I have been expecting. Maybe in the next post.

    But you have shown me some interesting parts in the desert.

  4. Water! You saw water, and that is a rare sight these days. This looks like a really nice place to hike although the name is probably enough to scare me away. :-)

  5. What a beautiful butterfly!
    All are amazing Diane.

  6. Thanks Diane
    I was looking for that word "sagging" :-)
    Its not always easy to find the right words with a translator :(
    I have put it on my post !!!
    THANKS :))

  7. I like very much the lines in the first picture.
    And all the others too.

  8. Baby knows that it's nice and cosy where it is now! ;-)

    I was afraid you'd show us a snake, instead I'm enchanted!

  9. Lovely desert scenes, especially with water!

  10. That butterfly is beautiful. Hope you get to see a collared lizard soon.

  11. Wonderful collection of things you found.

  12. Where is Rattlesnake Canyon? Gorgeous scenery!!! WOW! Wish I lived there! This is my kind of terrain!

  13. Julie - Hi, Rattlesnake Canyon is just north of Tucson, AZ.

  14. No collared lizards but you still made some wonderful discoveries. I really like the Whiptail lizard.

    I read a few posts down to catch up on the grandbaby. Glad to hear your daughter is doing fine but I'm sure you are on pins and needles waiting.

  15. Wow! You took some great desert shots. I'm near Tucson and have enjoyed the desert scenery. We've hiked near Dove Mountain the past 2 days.

  16. Colourful lizards? Wow! I hope they will come out next time for you ;-)

    The flower and butterfly are pretty. Enjoy wandering around the desert and photographing unique things.

  17. Waiting is always the hard part. :) They will take their time and come out into the world when they are ready. :)

  18. Well, you still found some interesting things around though. That creek must be very beautiful when full of water.

  19. Beautiful pictures! It was definitely worth an early morning trip!

  20. Beautiful shots. I am glad you could see the lizard.

  21. While I'm not a fan of lizards, this one is really cool. What a great shot. You were able to capture some gorgeous nature photos.

  22. I was wondering about your grandbaby, Diane. No news yet, huh???? Those babies come when THEY want to!!!!

    Great pictures from the canyon (lizard, lichens, WATERFALL--yeah, butterfly, etc.)...

  23. oh, despite not seeing what you were searching, but you were still able to capture so much beauty, so admirable life to see in the desert, love love it.

  24. I don't care to hike in the heat, either. You found plenty of neat stuff to photograph without braving the heat.
    No heat at the cabin, we did get a little snow last night.
    I said it would be tomorrow, I hope this little guy doesn't stand me up!

  25. Dianne, you know I like to wander around the desert through your lens.
    Always love looking at your beautiful photographs.
    I ll have something for you in my next post.
    Dont miss it.
    Have a great weekend.

  26. the wait is very exciting right?
