Monday, May 24, 2010

No News

Daughter Victoria is doing fine.  Her last day of teaching was Friday, baby due date was Saturday.  No baby yet, but the nursery is ready and she has some free time to enjoy before the little one arrives. :)

I do have some pictures of fledgling sparrows in the backyard:

what is a branch
and what is a bird leg?
the answer flies away
~Jane Reichhold


  1. The fledgling sparrows look bigger in size than the parent from that angle.

    I can feel the warmth of motherhood.

    And there will be good news very soon.

  2. Babies everywhere... well, almost! Hope all goes well and reasonably fast!

  3. Oh, she is feeding the babies! So adorable and sweet.

    Wishing your daughter an easy time with labor..

  4. What great pictures of the little birdies. Anxiously awaiting news of the addition to your flock.

  5. Perfect example of what life is about!

  6. Cute, the goldfinches hatched just before we left for LA, I hope they will still be around when we get back.
    Your Grandma & aunts were one to two weeks late with all their babies, maybe Victoria takes after that side of the family. If there were a pool, I'd pick Friday.

  7. I know you are all getting excited and I'm holding good thoughts for each of you! Love the little birds! And what great captures! Really delightful! Hope you have a great week, Diane!


  8. Hi Diane. I like - the answer flies away - seems like a good answer to all of life's problems.

  9. oh wow, the pictures are so sweet and lovely. so lucky you to have them as visitors in your backyard and to get so comfortable making it their own cozy place :)

  10. Hi Diane;) I pray for your daughter's safe delivery of her baby. We had some excitement last Friday when our fifth grandchild arrived very early and while his mum was MILES away from her normal gynae and clinic. I posted about it, if you wish to see it. I love the baby sparrows. I snapped a dad sparrow feeding a baby today.

  11. Spring seems to be the time for babies of all sorts :) Hope the little one will arrive soon.

  12. Must be Spring, when new life begins.

  13. So so cute bird shots ...
    We are all waitng for great news
    I will think of her .... :))

  14. Lovely photoes of the little birds, best wishes for your daughter and the miracle to happen!

  15. Those babies are well 'fat' ha ha... I hope the babies will always remember the mother when they grow up!

  16. Hi diane
    lovely photos. Best wishes to yr daughter :). Take care, Ev

  17. Oh gosh...I know your daugher is ready to have the baby!!! Oh my goodness!!!

  18. What a happy event to be waiting for - you'll soon be Grandma! I'm near Tucson now and needed a jacket tonight to sit outside for dinner. Your bird family is sweet!

  19. How adorable! It is such a beautiful and intimate site - even mother feeding baby.

  20. Adorable photos of the baby birds. All the best to your daughter too.

  21. Hi, Thank you all for your positive thoughts and wishes. Victoria's whole pregnancy has gone very well, so I imagine the delivery will be routine also. I just wonder WHEN it will be. :)

  22. They are so cute, great shots of the little ones.

  23. Precious pictures of the baby birds, Diane.... TOO CUTE.


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