Monday, November 22, 2010

This ‘n that

Around the house…

Yesterday the boys came over with their laptops as they often do on Sundays.  We like to hook a computer up to the TV screen to view interesting things from the internet.  So anyways, one of my sons noticed a scorpion running across the floor, and right into his computer port!

These little bark scorpions are venomous, so I prefer them to be outside.

In case some of you don’t like to see arachnids, I offer a pretty Plumbago, one of the few flowers still blooming in the garden this season:

And, a peaceful mourning dove sunning in the platform feeder:

The Pyracantha berries look ripe.  Surprisingly, none of our regular backyard birds eat them.  Last year a hermit thrush was seen sampling some. 

There’s Billy Cat, lounging on his chaise on the patio.  He’s about twenty years old and still enjoys watching birds.  Somehow the birds know that he is not a threat to them. 

The old kitty wakes me up early each morning so I rarely miss a sunrise.

I wish everyone a lovely week!


  1. Lovely images except maybe the scorpion! I would not like to see that in my house, LOL!
    ☼ Sunny

  2. When I saw the sky this morning, I wondered if you would be posting a photo !

    I just killed a scorpion this morning I found in my bedroom !
    I can honestly say I really hate them and have no idea what they are good for except for driving me crazy ! They can be outside but not in my home but truthfully I really don't like them outside my home either. If I get stung I have to go to Hospital...

    cheers, parsnip

  3. Hi Diane, thanks for sharing - a lovely week to you!

  4. Wonder if the scorpion can do any damage in there. Don't really care if the computer kills him. Spiders and Scorpions. No likey!

  5. Can't say as I like the scorpions either yet have only Seen a few in the house. Wondering if it crawled back out of the computer.

  6. I had no clue scorpions could damage computers! ;-) Love that dove (I'm rhyming today! :))

  7. that scorpion was not that big, but I am happy we don´t have them.

  8. oooo that scorpion. It looks pretty small and harmless but I know some of them have pretty nasty venom. We have some here too. They are not very common and I am not sure whether they are venemous or not. I suppose it's about time I found out!

  9. I agree, arachnids are better viewed outside and that is a sweet view of the morning dove.
    The pyracantha, now that has the power to whisk me back to my childhood and my mother's garden. Some things have that power, like the theme music for the program my father always listened to at lunch time. I don't know the name but when I hear it I am back at that kitchen table.

  10. You make your desert life sound very appealing...especially now that winter is almost here.

    What a wonderful cat to get you up to enjoy the most beautiful time of day. ;)

  11. Aack! We saw our first scorpion in the house a few weeks ago. This after living in the desert for 24 years. I guess that's not too bad.

  12. We were always told as kids that the pyracantha berries were poisonous. Don't know if that holds true for birds or not.
    Love the sunrise!

  13. The scorpion looks quite different from what I have over here. We call them Asian Forest Scorpion. It is black and big.

  14. A 20 yr. old kitty??? WOW---he has lived many lives, hasn't he?????

    I don't like scorpions either ---so thanks for the pictures of the flower and the dove....

    Great sunrise picture.

  15. lovely pictures! I love the bright red color. Thanks for sharing.

  16. Those scorpions are a pesky lot, always finding somewhere to hide and/or blend in. I hope your son was able to efficiently evict the bugger!

    The Plumbago and the Pyracantha berries are beautiful. And wow, what a sunrise!

    Billy Cat looks quite good for his age. =)

  17. Can't that scorpion get his own ISP?

  18. Scorpions in the USB port? THAT is a story I will share around the breakfast table tomorrow morning! :D

  19. Billy Cat looks wonderful for a 140year old (supposing 1 human year equals 7 cat years)!!!

  20. Great catch with the scorpion running into the port of your son computer..How did you get it out?

    All beautiful photos followed, Diane!

    Have a great Thanksgiving!

  21. Imagine, that little but venomous. Scary!

  22. Awww...sweet old kitty (please give him some lovin' from an admirer) ... and what a blessing that he 'gives' you the sunrises!

    I'm not sure about the scorpion thing... Does that mean that walks in the desert always need to be boot-clad?


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