Thursday, April 28, 2011

Fire Season

Easter morning, on the way home from the market, I saw smoke coming from the forest.

The fire, which turned out to be near Sabino Dam, is believed to have been human caused.

Fortunately, fire crews were able to contain this fire quickly and only 1/4 acre was burned.  Two larger fires were also burning in the Coronado National Forest on Sunday, but they are all out now.

White-winged Dove atop a blooming Saguaro cactus

See more skies from around the world at Skywatch Friday hosted by Klaus, Sandy, Wren and Sylvia.


  1. Great shot of the dove and cactus! I'm glad the fire did not cause much damage.

  2. We have about 7000 acres burned up on our mountains, and the fire is still burning. I always think of the little animals... This does seem to be the season, with dried out, freeze-damaged plants and high winds.

    I'm glad that your fire was contained so quickly. Lovely shots; I especially love the last one.

  3. Beautiful shots of a serious situation! I'm glad the fire was contained.
    Warm greetings from arid West Africa!

  4. Beautiful dove photo!! Hope the fires are all over. Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  5. I love your shots - the desert is beautiful. I'm glad the fire was contained quickly, and hope that there will be no more. that last photo is oh-so splendid. have a great weekend.

  6. awwwwwwwwwwww... love the Dove and Saguaro photo.

    cheers, parsnip

  7. I'm so glad that the fire was contained quickly, 1/4 acre is still a large area to be burnt.

    Your last photo had me thinking of the wildlife there..It's a fantastic capture.

  8. It has not rained much these last months so it's not a good sign concerning fires...
    Your dove is darling on the saguaro.

  9. You always have such a beautiful wild life to show us.

  10. the dove is lovely!
    it really makes you wonder how stupid some people can be....

  11. HI Diane, It's strange that there are fires in some parts of the country and floods in other parts... GADS!!!!!

    Great picture of that dove. How beautiful!!!!

    Let's pray for all who lost so much due to the Tornadoes on Wednesday. We were some of the lucky ones.


  12. Very glad to hear the fire was put out. You always wish people could be more careful but thank goodness for those firefighters. What would we do without them? Your photos are lovely!

  13. the shot of the dove and cactus is so stunning Diane, you always have beautiful foliage and wildlife shot there where you are. Glad the wildfire did not spread any further.

  14. Fires already?
    Your last pics for Skywatch is so cute!

  15. Good luck this fire season! Best wishes to your desert and all its creatures!

  16. Fire season seems to have started in the South of France too, it always makes me angry that humans start them.

  17. Just fabulous. What gorgeous shots. I love the first and last... those flowers are captivating!!

  18. Lovely shots- but such a shame about the fire!

  19. I dread the thought of fire season. So much beauty and so vulnerable.

  20. the dove photo is terrific!

    fire, oh, no!glad to hear the fire was put out.

    i love that desert and its creatures!

    betty xx

  21. Love the smoke shot. I've got to get out into the desert and get some shots of the Saguaros blooming soon.

  22. I'm glad it was quickly extinguished. It could easily have distroyed that lovely canyon ecosystem.

  23. That is terrible when people cause fires. They destroy so much wild life :(

  24. I'm sure most folks don't mean to start fires, but everyone needs to be more careful with flames, especially during a dry season or drought.

    Loved the dove photo. And I had no idea that cacti even bloomed at all! Again, that's why I love having a blogger friend in an area of our wonderful country that I'm not all that familiar with. I'm learning something new each week! Thanks, Diane! :-)

  25. I'm so glad they were able to manage the fire. The dove is so beautiful, perched the way it is.

  26. I'm glad the fire did not cause much damage.

  27. We "humans" need to be more careful. Glad the damage was minor. The desert is an extraordinary place--beautiful place to take photos. Mickie :)

  28. Glad the fires are out now.
    Lovely shot of the dove atop the cactus flowers.

  29. we've got to be careful this fire season...


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