Monday, May 9, 2011

Lil' Hummer

This little hummingbird came to stay with us after getting separated from its mother at a school campus.

Brian offering Lantana flowers to the bird

We had to feed it nectar and protein during daylight hours.

And, the bird had to learn to fly, hover and land safely.

It liked to perch on the new feeder by the window where it could watch the birds outside.

After five days in our house Lil' Hummer seemed ready to be released back into the wild.

Right away, it met other hummers who were interested in the new nectar feeder.

All kinds of new sights, sounds and sensations!

Lil Hummer's first night outside went well --

and the following days and nights were uneventful too, apparently.

Just watching, learning and growing.


  1. oh, am happy you were successful to nourish it to strength, and is capable of being back in the wild. very inspiring story and wonderful photos. thanks for sharing, Diane.

  2. Oh what a cutie pie! I love all the photos. My hummers have yet to return. I am worried they might not have survived the cold spell last winter, but I am hoping they are still raising little guys like this.

  3. OMG!! That is an adorable little glad you know how to help these little guys out. Extremely cute....glad there was a happy ending.

  4. So totally amazing to participate in this young birds life.

  5. What a great experience you've had! I'm so glad to see this series of photos from inside to outside. Lucky bird to have you and Brian!

  6. Oh what a neat experience, Diane.... I'm sure little Hummer enjoyed his days with you all... So glad you could help. I'm sure he said THANKS.

    Great pictures.

  7. What a great experience, they are so tiny I can imagine holding one. It seems to be doing well.

  8. Great photos of the little hummer. I'm so glad he did well and was able to return to the wild.

  9. I don't know what's cuter . . . those little tiny baby hummingbirds or the little jelly bean sized eggs they come from.

  10. Absolutely wonderful! This would make a fine children's non-fiction picture book.

  11. Oh so sweet.... I have always loved humming birds.
    I am so glad the bird was accepted I have read that the humming birds are very territorial.

    The photos are absolutely wonderful !
    Fabulous Monday post !

    cheers, parsnip

  12. What a wonderful thing to get to experience! Your pictures are amazing!

  13. Thanks for the wonderful pictures and endearing story. I just love your blog. It brings joy and wonderment through your photographs. Excellent!

  14. That is amazing. I would never have thought it possible to look after such a teeny tiny thing.

  15. Oh that's so wonderful! How exciting! You took some terrific photos!

  16. the bird is very lucky that it came to the right hands...i remember hand feeding our birds before too.

    happy mother's day to you!

  17. Oh how lovely - and how tiny! What a joy for you to be able to look after it, and lucky hummer!

  18. What a magic post!
    How little is that bird!
    So lovely!

  19. Bravo! You did a brilliant job, what a great start to my day! Hope.

  20. Lovely post... with a very happy ending :-)

  21. Such a nice nice story! a happy ending! Everything included.

  22. what a tiny and cute little guy.
    and what an experience with happy ending.
    glad you could help.

    fantastic series of photos!!

    betty xx

  23. Can hardly take in the preciousness of this photo beautiful and remarkable...thank you for this glimpse into a li'l hummer's eventful beginning...

  24. How lucky this little guy is to have found you. Wonderful story and documentation! I am so glad he is growing and thriving thanks to you!


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