saguaro cactus skeleton |
reflection of sky and trees |
house finches, curve-billed thrasher phainopeplas female and male |
house finch on saguaro |
ravens |
texan crescent, painted lady checkered white, southern dogface |
paperflower |
saguaro cactus skeleton |
reflection of sky and trees |
house finches, curve-billed thrasher phainopeplas female and male |
house finch on saguaro |
ravens |
texan crescent, painted lady checkered white, southern dogface |
paperflower |
Texan Crescent |
Bee and Texas Sage |
Mexican Yellow on Plumbago |
Zinnia |
Tobacco Hornworm on Vitex Tree |
Hubbard Silkmoth |
Unidentified Moth on Turpentine Flower |
Paperflower, Brittlebush Desert Marigold, Turpentine bush |
Dainty Sulphur |