Saturday, June 20, 2015

Hummingbird Nest

Last month my husband discovered a hummingbird nest on an oleander bush that he was about to trim.

mother broad-billed hummingbird

The hummingbird had fastened the tiny nest onto a dried branch in a way that was hard to see, but once I knew where to look, I could view it from the kitchen window.


Only one of two eggs hatched.

The baby grew quickly

baby hummingbird in nest

and was soon out of the nest.


mother hummingbird feeding baby

Just in case the mother hummer wants to use the same nest again, we'll wait awhile before trimming the oleander bush.

Linking to Saturday's Critters at Viewing Nature with Eileen.


  1. Wow, that is really cool to find the hummer nest in your bush! The photos are awesome. I love the shot with the young one being fed. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Have a happy weekend!

  2. What a wonderful opportunity, Diane! I have a friend in Scottsdale who has two nests on different ficus trees on his patio. They haven't been able to use their patio all summer, lol! I've been following Bella the hummingbird's cam this summer and she's had three different clutches so far. You can find her through the explore {dot} org website if you're interested. Great photos - thanks so much for sharing!

  3. That is a first to me. Nice.

    I have never ever seen a nest but I do not believe in Canada they have one here. As Canadians wait till they fly to us from warm climate such as yours.

    Between the robin first sighting. Then comes our fav. Everyone yells the humming birds are back. Ya. Everyone already has the bird feeders all set up.

    We seem to get the ones that are green humming birds in our area.

  4. Beautifully mother with a child look like. I love those tiny beautiful birds. Regards.

  5. Awesome photos! I love the one of the mother feeding the baby.

  6. Wonderful pictures, Diane.

    We have many oleanders here. I wish a family of hummingbirds would move in!

  7. So wonderful.
    I have Humming birds around but I don't know where the nest is.
    What a beautiful little baby. And the nest is so charming and beautiful.
    Baby Hummingbird is darling.
    I have two tiny finch nests woven on paloverde trees.
    One each in the front and back yard.
    The wind blows but the nests stays.

    cheers, parsnip

  8. These are wonderful! I would love to get a photo of a hummingbird. I placed a feeder in our backyard, and I am patiently waiting for one to stop by for a visit. Great pictures!

  9. It is so awesome to find a new neighbour.

  10. What a great sequence of shots! I'd love to see one of their miniscule nests. We have the hummers back here at high altitude, but I don't know if they nest here. The weather is so changeable.

  11. The tiny nest is so beautifully made. I love the way the mother's tail sticks up when she sits on it. The baby did grow so quickly and looked more like an adult so fast too! The photo with the mother feeding the baby is adorable.

  12. Your blog is amaizing.Photos are very great.Greatings fromPoland and invited to me on

  13. Oh ! It's amazing to watch the bird life !!
    Gorgeous serie of photos !!
    Happy Sunday !

  14. Great shots of those tiny little birds.....

  15. Precious photos with colobrí inside. Nice family;)
    Good Sunday.

  16. These are incredible shots! I would give ANYTHING if I had had a decent camera and tried to get photos of the hummingbird nest we had on our back porch in the ivy 36 years ago! I have a few really bad pictures. What a missed opportunity! Yours are wonderful!

  17. Great sequence of photos. So nice that you have the prime view of the beginning of little hummingbird's life.

  18. That's so special. I can't believe you got to see the whole process of the little bird being born and leaving the nest.

  19. Hi again Diane. Since we are on the subject of oleander, do you know if Thevetia peruviana grows in Arizona? The flower on my recent post was Thevetia peruviana, which is also known as Yellow Oleander or Mexican Oleander.

  20. Hi Prospero, I haven't seen any Yellow Oleander around here, just the Nerium kind which are extremely popular because of their drought tolerance. I do like the slender leaves of the Thevetia peruviana. :)

  21. Wow, beautiful images indeed... I have never seen a hummingbird before... probably never will in my part of the world...

  22. Wonderful photos of all those beautiful birds! Amazing!!

  23. So sweet. I worry so much about trimming this time of year and worry when I see neighbors doing it but I can't run over there and act all crazy (I guess). I've never seen a Broad-Billed.

  24. Hello,

    how fortunate your husband found the nest before trimming. It is very interesting to know how the bird built its nest. You are very lucky to watch these birds from your kitchen window. Thanks for sharing these lovely photos.

    Best wishes.

  25. Utterly charming! Thank you for sharing this lovely photo essay as the wee one grew; what an amazing nest!

  26. is so lovely...

  27. aww, what tiny little birds. beautiful photos as usual.

    happy Fourth of July!

  28. What an absolute delight to be able to watch the entire process. I am pretty sure that hummers nest on our land but I have never found a nest - I live in hope :)

  29. How wonderful! I have found nests before but never seen babies!

  30. Χαίρομαι να επισκέπτομαι το blog με τις εξαιρετικές εικόνες!

  31. lovely photos :)

  32. First of all, thank you so much for visiting my blog and commenting two weeks ago! I got so behind with everyone and then had company over the Fourth (yes, people actually came to visit in our summer! :-) ) and got even more behind! Glad you see you are a fellow AZ resident! I look forward to perusing your posts!

    This was extraordinary! When we were stationed here 35 years ago and lived on the East side of Tucson, we had a similar experience. A hummer nested in the ivy right on our back porch. Back then I didn't have a good camera and couldn't get the photos I would get today if that wonderful event happened again! I am so thrilled you had the experience! And your photos are incredible!

  33. Such sweet sweet pictures!
    I miss hummigbirds so much...
    There are no words for these beautiful pictures.

  34. Great photos! What a rare find, and how fun to be able to see the hatchling from your window.

  35. What a beautiful discovery and wonderful photos!


  36. Um ninho de beija-flor, muito difícil de se ver!
    Imagens de extrema delicadeza!...

    Boa semana!!!
    Beijinhos para todos.ჱه° ·.
    ❤˚° ·.

  37. Maravilhoso! Suas fotos são lindas!!!
    Bjos e boa semana.
    Blog Ponto Cute

  38. This is a beautiful series of photos - nice to see a hummingbird nest too as they are a bird we don't have here in Australia. They must have been a delight to watch throughout this process.

  39. Que maravilla de fotos de estos colibris, son preciosas. Me ha gustado mucho tu blog, enhorabuena. Saludos cordiales desde España.


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