Friday, May 14, 2010

Glimmers of Light

As I was walking in the woods, I noticed some sparkly things.  It turned out to be a monitoring project for hummingbird conservation.  Here is concern for the well-being of migrants as well as residents.

Check out more Weekend Reflections at James' Newtown Area Photo.


Gaelyn said...

If we loose hummers and bees, we're dead. Nice captures of the little beauties.

cieldequimper said...

A lovely post on the beauty of nature, as usual.

Martha Z said...

Geat captures of the hummers. Jules and I sat out in the garden at lunch and watched the flit around, great entertainment.

Jeannette StG said...

The last hummingbird has incredibly shiny colors! Thank you for sharing this project:)

Jen said...

They are sparkly indeed. I love'em!

Unknown said...

O lovely! These pictures have made my day!

Tracy said...

Nice! So, you are just walking through the woods and happen to get these pictures of little birds that fly so fast? Nice!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

How Neat, Diane. I love Hummingbirds--and finally saw some here this past week. We used to have lots of hummingbirds here --but for the past couple of years, we have not. I hope more of them visit us this summer..

Great pictures.

Barb said...

Lovely little jewels - you did a great job capturing the photos of them.

rainfield61 said...

Hummingbird, tailor bird, they are small bird.

They are cute. I have spent a couple of week on the latter.

DoanLegacy said...

Incredible capture, Diane! The hummingbird is so pretty..

Joanne Olivieri said...

Oh my, what a wonderful capture. Those gorgeous wings and cute little hummingbird, thanks for sharing these with us.

Anonymous said...

They are flying gems!!! Gorgeous pictures!

Ezhilan said...

Wonderful bird! In our area there are many humming birds. Some birds visit my home for drinking the nectar of the flowers!

Unknown said...

These are fantastic!

Regina said...

Gorgeous reflections Diane.

Self Sagacity said...

beautiful birds, and humming birds they are! You've found some very colorful ones.