Monday, March 21, 2011


Here are some snapshots of the full moon rising over the Sonoran Desert on March 19, 2011...

and setting the next morning:


Have a wonderful week!


Dawn said...

Diane! These shots are amazing!!!
That 1st one needs to be on some display!
Absolutely lovely!!!!!

Gaelyn said...

Fantastic!!! I sure like your view better than mine. ;)

angryparsnip said...

Even though I assume you live near me or I live near you...
The moon I saw was not that big ? ? ? I love your shots better than mine but I did have fun playing with the settings on my new camera.

cheers, parsnip

Lakshmi said...

Beautifully clicked..we could n't see that much bigger moon

Diane AZ said...

The closer you view it to the horizon, the bigger it looks. :)

Magpie said...

Diane, these are awesome. I love the cactus in the shots. I didn't get to see the moon here...too many clouds out my way. Beautiful.

Betty Manousos said...

Stunning images!
I just want to keep them on my screen all day and enjoy.

Happy Monday dear Diane!

B xx

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Gorgeous, Diane. You are in a perfect place to see it. We couldn't see it on the horizon due to our mountains...

Love the one with the cactus in front... NEAT.

Janie said...

Wow, the photos are incredible!

RoeH said...

Gorgeous! And I missed it!! :(

Martha Z said...

Great shots, Diane, the moon hasn't shone its face here in quite a while.

clairz said...

Wonderful photos, you captured the beautiful golden color perfectly! Love the cactus silhouettes, of course.

•°°• IcyBC •°°• said...

Fantastic capture of the moon, Diane! So incredible..

Loree said...

Oh wow. Thanks for posting those. I missed the whole moon spectacle this weekend because of heavy cloud cover.

Barb said...

Diane, Your Moon shots are the best I've seen. Just gorgeous in that desert setting. Hope you're enjoying spring.

Nat said...

These are fabulous photos, Diane.
It was such a spectacular sight...I was so pleased that the weather played ball and we got to see it over here too :-)

tracy said...

These are great, Diane! I especially like the cactus in the shots. Good job!

Unknown said...

Gorgeous photoes! Same glorious moon as here, but mine came up over the factories! lol.

Thérèse said...

Super super job!
I love all of them.

Stephanie said...

I read about this in the papers. then I forgot about it in the night. It's great that you captured this supermoon. Love your pics... so obvious. And I can see why they say said that the moon will look bigger than usual.

Thendral said...

Very beautiful. Thanks for sharing.

betchai said...

wow, love all the photos Diane, though I am so jealous with the saguaro in the foreground, we don't have saguaro here. Anyway, your supermoon shots really showcased the majestic supermoon.

Allison said...

Goodness, these are SO beautiful! The full moon rose over our valley here in Switzerland as well, but I haven't such a good lens and my moon pictures never turn out like this. I love these. Thank you for sharing!

Pas de blabla... Juste des photos said...

Wow !!! Amazing shot.
Our moon don't look so beautiful. lol !!!!

Regina said...

Wow how amazing Diane.

Lindy said...

Absolutely stunning images of the moon!

MountainBlessings said...

Awesome moon photos! Hi from ShowLow! thanks for sharing. Marla