Wednesday, July 6, 2011

After the storm

Yesterday afternoon, unusually strong wind knocked down trees at the school.  Hopefully, no one was there at the time!


Lindy said...

What a shame so many trees came down. We saw live coverage of the one in Phoenix last night on The Weather Channel. Hope you didn't have any damage at your home.

Loree said...

It must have been a horrendous storm.

Gaelyn said...

Hope you didn't get buried the dust.

Alicia said...

I have lots of relatives in AZ, in Phoenix, Chandler, Florence, Eloy, Arizona City, Poston and Parker. They have all been keeping us informed via facebook as to these storms. So far everyone is ok and hope you and yours are as well. Awful, awful weather!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Strong winds indeed... I'm so sorry to see that, Diane. Beautiful trees... What a shame. Mother Nature can be so cruel at times.

angryparsnip said...

I wondered about you... hope your home and yard is OK.
My Friday post will be on the storm.
When I stood outside taking photos, not the best idea with over 1000 lighting strikes in that hour, it sounded like a train zooming by.

cheers, parsnp

Prospero said...

Nature's fury.

Julie said...

I always get sad when I see trees downed like this...that was some wind, eh??? :(

betchai said...

i've hear about it since we had a little bit share of that storm ( just a few rain West of the mountains ), I did not know it was that bad. hope your home is safe and no damage.

tracy said...

Oh! Poor trees!

Debbie Lo said...

Gosh, I sure hope no one was hurt. That must've been one strong wind to take down so many trees!

I always hate to see trees come down because they're so pretty and majestic. :-)

Barb said...

I hope you didn't get the awful dust! My friend's property in Rio Verde is covered in it.

Stephanie said...

My goodness the wind must have been really strong. Yeah hope no one is hurt. Take care!

Martha Z said...

I heard about the dust storm in Phoenix. I wasn't aware that you had gotten hit with wind as well.
Jules and I once drove through a dust storm passing through Phoenix but it was nothing compared to this.
It is a shame to lose all of those trees.

PJ van Zyl said...

wow some wind

cieldequimper said...

That's impressive. Is it usual at this time of the year?

Allison said...

Yikes! Love these desert shots.

Nat said...

Wow! The sheer power of Nature...


I hope everything OK with the people...

Betty Manousos said...

hope you're ok.

wow, the power of mother nature!

betty xx

Thérèse said...

Ouch! Poor poor trees. Luckily no harm. It's has been a long "dusting" day today for a lot of people!

Magpie said...

It was an awful windstorm and the dust! Such a mess. The neighbors awning went flying over their roof and onto a power AC all night. :(

Pas de blabla... Juste des photos said...

It is so sad to see trees down, like that.

Betsy Grant said...

I've enjoyed viewing your blog - lovely photos! I am a musician who blogs about creativity. Please visit me at I would love to hear from you.


I agree with Ellada...

•°°• IcyBC •°°• said...

Wow..what a strong storm to knock down those big trees! Have a great weekend..

Lrong Lim said...

Winds can so destructive, and scary too... good thing no one was injured...

Anonymous said...

Wow! That was quite some storm. I hope that nobody was hurt.
Great photos.

All the best, Boonie


Big storm...

Torsdag 1952 said...

That is not so good for nature but it is good for woodturners, and I'm a woodturner.The change to get wunderful peaces of old wood.

Hallo from Germany

Janie said...

It's a shame to lose the trees in a desert landscape.

Annie Jeffries said...

I'll never forget the sound of a tree coming down as it yields to the power of the power of the
wind. Chilling.