Wednesday, November 4, 2009


These scarecrows are part of the Fall Festival at Tucson Botanical Gardens.

Traditionally, scarecrows are human figures placed in fields to discourage birds from feeding on crops. But these days they are more often used to celebrate autumn.

Some alternate names for scarecrows are: Mommet, Hodmedod, Tattie bogle, Flay-crow, Mawpin, Bird-scarer, Moggy, Shay and Bogeyman.

Madame Monarch

Paper Dancer

Paper Dancer unwinding

“The first and great commandment is: Don’t let them scare you.” ~Elmer Davis


Gaelyn said...

These are marvelous. No reason to be scared.

Teri said...

I didn't realize they did that. Very cool!

Unknown said...

The first one is so pretty!

Lindy said...

I love visiting Tucson Botanical Gardens. These are fantastic scarecrows, very creative and artistic. We could definitely use one or two in our yard when we overseed. Where IS that great horned owl when I need him?!LOL!

rainfield61 said...

I used to see scarecrow a long time ago, birds must be educated enough now, scarecrows are no more seen in the paddy fields.

Willie a.k.a Reptoz said...

We have plenty of Scare crows at our place, mainly to guard our paddy field.

Icy BC said...

These are very unique scarecrows, and fantastic photos, Diane!

Cherry said...

colourful scarecrows! my lil' girl loves it!

Unseen India Tours said...

Some really beautiful and lovely shots !! Loved the beauty !! Thanks for sharing..Unseen Rajasthan

Salitype said...

those are some groovey scarecrows! love the monochrome shot!

Loree said...

Wow gorgeous. How creative! I love the first one.

SquirrelQueen said...

These are wonderful, how creative. The first one is my favorite.

Lance said...

That first scarecrow is so colorful!! Awesome!

Ezhilan said...

The last one looks like a rock man. Colorful and different types scarecrows looks fascinating.

XoXo said...

I won't be scared am sure,those are pretty colors of the scarecrow. Hihihi...

Jeannette StG said...

Interesting scarecrows - very creatively done! Didn't know half of those names for 'em, Diane!

Jen said...

Great scarecrows! We enjoyed our visit to the Gardens this spring and I'm sure we'll go back.

Ebie said...

Thanks, Dianne for your nice comments on my PS work.